Check out our recent publication: Raveendran VA, Pressey JC, Woodin MA (2020) A Novel Small Molecule Targets NKCC1 to Restore Inhibition Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
Congratulations to Miranda De Saint-Rome on her Banting & Best scholarship!
Miranda de St.-Rome has been awarded a CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship, honouring and recognizing Miranda’s hard work and academic merits!
Welcome to the newest member of the Woodin Lab!
The Woodin Lab is pleased to welcome Dr. Azam Asgarhafshejani to the team for a post-doctoral project! Please see the team members page for additional information on Dr. Asgarhafshejani’s background and stay tuned in the months to come for the exciting data she will be generating using a new model of auditory learning!
Congratulations to Dr. Woodin on her appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science!
Melanie is very excited to begin her Deanship and is eagerly looking forward to all the opportunities that this new position and its many responsibilities offer. The other members of the Woodin Lab are right behind her all the way and we can’t wait to see how she steers the Faculty of Arts & Science into the next decade!
Congratulations to Melissa Seranilla on her Ontario Graduate Scholarship!
Big congratulations to Melissa on being awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship! A well-deserved, merit-based honour and a wonderful recognition of her hard work!
Canadian Association for Neuroscience meeting 2019 is here!
Woodin Lab is excited to be heading to the CAN meeting in Toronto and if you’d like to get caught up on some of our most recent work don’t miss Dr. Woodin’s lecture “Regulation of KCC2 as a target for treatment of Autism” on Friday, May 24 at 13:30 as part of Parallel Symposium 6! Also, please visit our posters during Poster session 2 on Friday, May 24 at 15:30: Lynn Liang is presenting poster 2-B-27 Investigating interneuron subtype-specific inhibitory spike-timing dependent plasticity in the primary motor cortex and Melissa Seranilla is presenting poster 2-C-67 Striatal chloride homeostasis and inhibitory synaptic transmission is altered in huntington’s disease. We’ll see you there!